Systec CiA 304 SRDO Add-on

The CiA 304 SRDO Add-on provides all services and functionality compliant to CiA 304 V1.0 - CANopen Framework for safety relevant communication

The CiA 304 SRDO Add-on provides all services and functionality compliant to CiA 304 V1.0 - CANopen Framework for safety relevant communication. It allows for design of safety relevant CANopen devices based on SRDOs (Safety Relevant Data Objects). This safety implementation has proven to be successful in various industry applications.

SRDO allow for a safe transmission of process data just as PDO do. To fulfill safety requirements, SRDO have special features and transmission behavior. A SRDO consist of two CAN messages (redundancy), which are transmitted cyclically, with inverted data content, different CAN-identifier and a strict transmission timing. On consumer side, SRDO are monitored and checked towards their transmission timing, sequence-order and data consistency.

The SRDO add-on module includes a special plug-in for the CANopen Device Monitor (part of the CANopen Configuration Suite), which provides an interface for consistent configuration of Safety Relevant Data Objects of a CANopen device.

SO-1059CANopen SRDO Add-on 
CANopen SRDO Add-on Source Code, SRDO Plug-in for CANopen DeviceExplorer, Documentation, License Contract

(requires SO-877, SO-877-VP, SO-1063 or SO-1063-VP)

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