Port Device Driver für VxWorks

The universal VxWorks CAN device driver can4vxworks supports a broad range of CAN interfaces.

The can4vxworks driver is a universal VxWorks device driver and is used for controlling of ISA-, PCI- and PC104 interface cards with CAN bus interface. It supports the CAN controller Philips SJA1000 and the sources can easily be adapted to use any other CAN controller .


The can4vxworks driver is a result of the can4linux project which was developed in 1997 to control laboratory devices that use CAN. Besides the IOCTL function calls both drivers use the same data structures for parameter passing. Thus changing an application between LINUX™ and VxWorks is troublefree.

During compilation the driver is optimized for the target hardware.


Controlling the device driver is done via the standard function calls for devices like open(), close(), read(), write() and ioctl(). 

The driver is highly configurable with the IOTCL functions.

Furthermore it is possible to use up to four interface boards with the device files /dev/can0 ... /dev/can3.


The driver supports various single and dual-channel standard PC interface cards with ISA, PCI and PC104 interface:

  • port AT-CAN-MINI (PeliCAN mode 29bit)
  • IXXAT PCI03 (only SJA1000)
  • Advantech Pcm-3680 (PC 104)
  • DigiTec PCMatic® Feldbusmodul FC-CAN (SJA1000)
  • ESD PC104/200

The driver was developed for x86 machines but can also be used on other target hardware.


The can4vxworks driver can be used with different products of port.

In order to send, receive and display CAN messages the command line application horch is available as CAN layer 2 server. It can be used interactively from within an xterm or in batch mode as TCP/IP server. In the latter mode the graphical CAN analyzer CAN-REport can be used to send, receive and display the CAN messages.

Based on this source code the compiled and configured CAN- open server m4d is available. It also provides an interactive and a batch server mode. To use it in server mode port offers the tool CANopen Device Monitor with an easy to use graphical interface. 


The can4vxworks device driver is available as ANSI-C source code and can be compiled on different target platforms.

  • 0643/01 can4vxworks Device Driver

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