Port m4d - The CANopen Gateway Server

The CANopen Gateway Server m4d is an universal CANopen Master application. It features a simple CANopen oriented command language according to CiA 309-3. The CANopen commands are accessible directly or over a TCP/IP socket interface.

The subject Ethernet access down to the fieldbus layer is intensely discussed. The CANopen Gateway Server provides the solution of Ethernet access down to the fieldbus layer right now and relies on the current and field proven CANopen technology.


With the specification CiA 309 the CiA provides a standardized solution to access a CANopen network through an Internet (TCP/IP) connection. The CANopen Gateway Server realizes a complete Class 3 CANopen Manager node.

It can operate on an arbitrary number of TCP/IP clients and CANopen networks. The CANopen CiA 301 services NMT, SDO, PDO, EMCY, Heartbeat and Nodeguarding are supported as described within the CiA 309-1.

With the SDO domain transfer services it can carry out up and downloads of firmware or any other data like images. Additionally it acts as LSS master and allows complete configuration of unconfigured devices.

The CANopen Gateway Server can be used as ready to use CANopen application to setup a graphical interface to access a CANopen network like it is done with the company’s proprietary CANopen Device Monitor. Instead of a general purpose CANopen monitor interface complete user applications can be developed that provide maintenance and service menus to administrate or configure the CANopen nodes in CANopen networks.

Special purpose applications can be built with the source code of the CANopen Gateway Server. It allows the extension of the CiA 309-3 command interface to provide further functionality to access other devices that are connected via RS232/RS485 or parallel interfaces.

CAN Interfaces

The usage of the CANopen Gateway Server requires a CAN interface. CAN interfaces are currently available for USB, ISA, PCI, serial port and PC-104 or an Ethernet interface. The CANopen Server is available for the standalone Ethernet gateways EtherCAN of port and IGW900 of SSV.


System Requirements


Windows™ 7, XP,  LINUX™, Embedded Systems


any (>= 16 Bit CPU)


TCP/IP protocoll stack  or serial Interface

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  • 0644/18 PC Software for CPC-USB
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  • 0540/04 EtherCANopen standalone gateway
  • 0850/03 IGW/900 standalone gateway

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