The J-Link Software Developer Kit (SDK) allows customers to integrate J-Link support into their own applications.


The J-Link Software Developer Kit (SDK) allows customers to integrate J-Link support into their own applications. This is used in professional IDEs, such as SEGGER's Embedded Studio and others, to allow debugging directly via a J-Link, as well as in customized production utilities.

Typical applications to be used with J-Link are for example:

  • Complete debuggers or additional debugger utilities like data visualizers.
  • Customized flash programming utilities to be used in the production.
  • Automated test applications.

The J-Link SDK is available for Windows, Linux and macOS, as 32-bit and 64-bit versions and can be used with nearly every programming language or solution. The integration of J-Link is done via a standard DLL / share library and provides easy-to-use C-language API functions. The SDK comes with startup projects for C (Visual C++ 6 and Visual Studio 2010), VB6 (Microsoft Visual Basic) and VB.NET (Visual Studio 2010).

The J-Link SDK allows using the entire functionality of J-Link, such as:

  • The integrated flash programming capabilities, allowing high-speed flash programming of all supported devices without creating a custom flash-loader.
  • Complete control of the target (Run, halt, reset, step, ...).
  • Setting breakpoints and watchpoints, including setting Unlimited Flash Breakpoints.
  • Using High-Speed Sampling, SEGGER Real Time Transfer (RTT), SWO and Simple Trace directly in the application.
  • Low-level communication with the target via JTAG commands.

Supported CPU cores

The J-Link SDK always supports all cores which are also supported by J-Link. New supported cores can be added by updating the J-Link DLL.

Example projects

The J-Link SDK includes different example applications in source code which demonstrate the usage of the J-Link API, show the basic startup sequence and provide examples how to integrate the J-Link DLL in different programming languages. The example projects are organized by the executing target platform (Windows, Linux, Mac, Target) and the programming language / environment. The following table gives an overview about the included example projects. The usage of the J-Link SDK is not limited to these programming environments, it can be used from nearly every programming language which allows loading shared libraries.

Project / ScriptTarget platformDescription
Samples_Startup_Python.pyWindows/ Linux/ macOS, Python 3.5.2Python script showing how to call J-Link DLL functions and demonstrating the startup sequence.
Windows, Visual Studio 2010, C codeVisual Studio 2010 solution including example projects for the J-Link DLL startup sequence and flash download via J-Link.
Windows, Visual C++ 6.0, C codeVisual C++ 6 workspace, including example projects for the J-Link DLL startup sequence, flash download via J-Link, reading the target's JTAG ID, hardware testing, instruction tracing and the J-Link RTT Logger and J-Link Commander tool.
Windows, VB.NETVisual Basic .NET Visual Studio 2010 project showing how to call J-Link DLL functions and demonstrating the startup sequence.
Windows, Mircosoft Visual Basic 6.0Visual Basic 6.0 project for the J-Link DLL startup sequence and the usage or the J-Link SDK in a VB application.
Windows, LabView 2011LabView 2011 project for the J-Link DLL startup sequence and the usage or the J-Link SDK in a LabView application.
Windows, Visual Studio 2010 C#Visual Studio 2010 project for the J-Link DLL startup sequence and the usage or the J-Link SDK in a C# application.


Test applications

The example projects are configured to be compiled and executed out-of-the-box and included as precompiled executable. They can be used to test the correct installation and proper function of the J-Link.

Python script:

The example Python script can be executed using Python 3.5.2 on Windows, Linux and macOS.


C code applications:

The example C code applications code can be compiled with every common C compiler on Windows, Linux and macOS. Workspace / solutions and project files for Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual Studio 2010 are included as an easy way to start with, but the J-Link SDK is not limited to be used with these IDEs.



Visual Basic & Visual Basic .NET application:

The example Visual Basic application is written in VB 6 and can be compiled with Microsoft Visual Basic. The example VB.NET application is created with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.


J-Link SDK Package

The J-Link SDK comes with everything which is needed to start implementing J-Link support into software or create a new application using J-Link. It includes the needed libraries for the selected platform, a complete documentation of the available J-Link API and additional background information, the USB drivers for J-Link and example startup projects to show the usage of J-Link. The J-Link SDK includes everything which is needed to integrate J-Link into an application. The table below lists the most important files which are included.

Package content

The J-Link SDK includes everything which is needed to integrate J-Link into an application. The table below lists the most important files which are included.


JLinkARMDLL.hDefault J-Link DLL header file. Contains function declarations, defines and typedefs used in the DLL.
Must be included to use the DLL functions.
JLink.hFallback J-Link DLL header file. Like JLinkARMDLL.h, but with stdcall function declarations instead of C declaration. Must be used for applications which cannot use C declaration functions.
JLink.libJ-Link import library to load the J-Link DLL functions. Searches for J-Link DLL in installed J-Link software if the DLL is not in executable directory.
JLinkARM.libJ-Link import library to load the J-Link DLL functions. Searches for J-Link DLL in executable directory only. Should not be used when updating the DLL shall be possible.
JLinkARM.dllThe J-Link DLL itself to be copied into the application's executable directory.
UM08002_JLinkDLL.pdfJ-Link SDK documentation.
Release.htmlJ-Link SDK release notes.


The J-Link SDK license allows using custom applications within the customer's company only. Authorization to distribute and ship software which uses the J-Link SDK or parts of it can be permitted by SEGGER upon request.


  • J-Link SDK
  • PC running Windows / Linux / macOS
  • J-Link
  • Compiler or IDE of choice for the desired programming language


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