
ARM Webinar Series: The CMSIS Solution

Join us for an insightful webinar series, "The CMSIS Solution," where we delve into the benefits, development flow, and layer concept of the work done in the Open-CMSIS-Pack working group, a joint industry effort led by Arm, NXP, and STMicroelectronics.

Each session helps deepen your understanding of the CMSIS Solution, covering key topics including:

  • Benefits and advantages.
  • Development and tool flow.
  • Software discovery in areas like graphics, industrial connectivity, web, and AI/ML.
  • Advanced use cases.

Guest speakers share how CMSIS-Packs help engineers quickly evaluate their software solutions.
Sessions begin with a 20-minute presentation or demo, followed by a 10-minute Q&A, giving you plenty of opportunities to engage with our experts and get your questions answered.
This series is tailored for embedded software developers and engineers looking to enhance their understanding and application of CMSIS in their projects. Many of the latest improvements will be demonstrated using Visual Studio Code.
Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your knowledge and leverage the full potential of CMSIS in your projects.

Session 1: Benefits of CMSIS-Packs

Discover the benefits of CMSIS-Packs, including streamlined development processes, enhanced code portability, and improved debugging capabilities. Learn how the CMSIS standard for packaging and delivering software can accelerate your development cycle and provide a robust foundation for your microcontroller applications.

Date: October 23, 2024
5 p.m. CEST | 4 p.m. BST | 8 a.m. PDT

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Session 2: Development Flow with CMSIS-Packs

Explore the CMSIS solution development flow, from initial setup to deployment. This session covers the use of CMSIS-Packs, the integration of software components, and the optimization of your development environment. Gain practical insights into how CMSIS can simplify and enhance your development workflow.

Date: October 29, 2024
5 p.m. CET | 4 p.m. GMT | 9 a.m. PDT

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Session 3: Graphics Components

Learn about the integration of graphics components within the CMSIS framework. This session covers the implementation of graphical user interfaces and how they can enhance the user experience in your microcontroller applications. Embedded Wizard talks about how CMSIS-Packs help you deploy faster.

Date: November 12, 2024
5 p.m. CET | 4 p.m. GMT | 8 a.m. PST

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Session 4: Industrial Software

Dive into the layer concept of CMSIS, which provides a structured approach to software development. Learn how the different layers interact—including the core, driver, and middleware layers—and how they contribute to a modular and scalable software architecture. See how a sensor component uses the layer interface to port an application across multiple SoC targets.

Date: November19, 2024
5 p.m CET | 4 p.m. GMT | 8 a.m. PST

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Session 5: The Layer Concept

Dive into the layer concept of CMSIS, which provides a structured approach to software development. Learn how the different layers interact—including the core, driver, and middleware layers—and how they contribute to a modular and scalable software architecture. See how a sensor component uses the layer interface to port an application across multiple SoC targets.

Date: December 3, 2024
5 p.m CET | 4 p.m. GMT | 8 a.m. PST

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Session 6:
Web Enablement

See how Memfault uses the CMSIS framework to enhance debugging and monitoring capabilities. This session covers the benefits of using Memfault for real-time diagnostics, remote debugging, and improving the overall reliability of your microcontroller applications.

Date: December 17, 2024
5 p.m. CET | 4 p.m. GMT | 8 a.m. PST

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Session 7:
The Machine Learning Integration

Discover the integration of machine learning (ML) algorithms within the CMSIS framework. This session covers how ML can enhance the functionality and performance of your microcontroller applications, providing intelligent solutions for complex problems. Edge Impulse showcases its integration with CMSIS development flows.

Date: January 28, 2025
5 p.m. CET | 4 p.m. GMT | 8 a.m. PST

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Using CMSIS-Toolbox and Keil MDK v6 in CI/CD Workflows (US/EMEAI)

In this webinar you will learn how to use the new project formats and tools that are available with CMSIS-Toolbox and Keil MDK v6 in CI/CD DevOps workflows.
We will explain how to set up your project in GitHub and how to enable workflows using Arm Virtual Hardware FVPs to effectively simulate your code to increase over all quality.

Data e ora
6 giugno 2024 05:00 PM Roma

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Using CMSIS-Toolbox and Keil MDK v6 in CI/CD Workflows (EMEAI/APAC)

In this webinar you will learn how to use the new project formats and tools that are available with CMSIS-Toolbox and Keil MDK v6 in CI/CD DevOps workflows.
We will explain how to set up your project in GitHub and how to enable workflows using Arm Virtual Hardware FVPs to effectively simulate your code to increase over all quality.

Data e ora
6 giugno 2024 09:00 AM Roma

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Introduction to MDK v6 [1054]

This webinar will introduce you to the new MDK Version 6.
It will cover the following topics:

  • New tools that are included in MDK v6.
  • New licensing technologies making your life easier.
  • New editions with more for everyone.

Speakers: Christopher Seidl

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MDK v6 Technical Deep Dive [1061]

In this webinar, we will deep-dive into the new tools that are part of MDK v6:

  • Learn how Keil Studio increases productivity with development flows that can be used in a GUI and on the command line.
  • Understand how to move between local and cloud development.
  • See the new tool download mechanisms that are offered by artifactory.
  • Manage your licenses easily with user-based licensing (UBL).

Speakers: Hans Schneebauer - Christopher Seidl

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CAN Bus Data Logging 2.0

CAN Bus Data Logging 2.0 - CSS Electronics

FREE WEBINAR - CAN Bus Data Logging 2.0

  • How to log Can bus data
  • CANedge Features & use cases
  • Device managemnet & data visualization

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Getting started with Embedded Wizard

Getting Started with Embedded Wizard

Tecnologix presenta un webinar su Embedded Wizard

  • Introduzione a Embedded Wizard
  • Embedded Wizard Demo per STM32H747-Discovery
  • Live demo: Sviluppo GUI con Embedded Wizard Studio
  • Live demo: Interazione con il dispositivo

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Introduzione a MDK-Middleware

Introduzione a MDK-Middleware

Tecnologix presenta un webinar su MDK-Middleware, la raccolta di librerie inclusa nelle versioni Plus e Professional di ARM® Keil® MDK Microcontroller Development Kit

  • Il Webinar introduttivo a MDK-Middleware illustrerà:
  • i componenti delle librerie Middleware
  • l'accesso e l’organizzazione della documentazione
  • La creazione da zero di progetti completi basati su MDK-Middleware

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Data Logging locale con Canedge2

Data Logging locale con Canedge2

Tecnologix propone un webinar per presentare il dispositivo CANedge2 di CSS, un CAN/LIN Bus data logger con funzionalità di memorizzazione 

  • Locale su SD Card 
  • Remota , via WiFi e/o 4G, verso server o piattaforme Cloud

    Verrà realizzato, a partire da zero, un semplice pannello sinottico per il monitoraggio in tempo reale o differito del traffico dati su CAN bus

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ARM® Keil® MDK

ll corso Tecniche di debug avanzato con ARM® Keil® MDK, strutturato in 3 lezioni (di 1 h circa ciascuna), è rivolto a progettisti hardware e firmware che desiderano utilizzare al meglio l'ambiente di sviluppo ARM® Keil® MDK. La parte pratica del webinar verrà svolta con la scheda STMicroelectronics NUCLEO-F401RE.

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Introduzione a Embedded Wizard

Introduzione a Embedded Wizard

Tecnologix Srl presenta un webinar dedicato a Embedded Wizard.

  • Che cosa è Embedded Wizard, ambiente Embedded Wizard Studio GUI d'esempio.
  • Organizzazione di un progetto Embedded Wizard con Arm Keil.
  • Prototyper ed esecuzione sul target.
  • Modello di licenza Q&A.

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GaIA IoT & ThingsBoard Connector  - Una proposta per l'Internet of Things

GaIA IoT & ThingsBoard Connector

Tecnologix GaIA 

Tecnologix GaIA e' un sistema multifunzione per l'Automazione Industriale, concepito per operare come dispositivo I/O programmabile e come Gateway di comunicazione verso i bus di campo industriali ed il Cloud. Tecnologix Srl presenta un webinar per proporre una soluzione semplice e cost effective per realizzare applicazioni IoT

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